Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy

One area of medicine called occupational therapy (OT) may help people with cognitive, sensory, and physical impairments lead healthier lives.

An occupational therapist uses a variety of therapies, exercises, and activities to help people become more independent and carry out daily duties without aid.

Our skilled therapists work with kids on different levels at our school and therapy center to boost their self-esteem, develop everyday skills, and enable them to fully participate in class and other social situations.

Why Do Kids Need Occupational Therapy?

Although occupational therapy for kids is similar to occupational therapy for adults, it is a unique field with its own challenges, techniques, and victories.

  • 1 Delays in fine motor skills, handwriting or using scissors
  • 2 Sensory integration issues
  • 3 Poor visual-motor skills,like tracking objects, hand-eye coordination
  • 4 Difficulties with movement and coordination, like jumping, balancing, and running
  • 5 Deficits in basic self-care tasks, like feeding, dressing, and toileting
  • 6 Delays in play and social interaction skills

Who can benefit from occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy benefits individuals of all ages facing physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges. It helps enhance daily living skills, regain independence, and improve quality of life. From children with developmental delays to adults recovering from injuries, occupational therapy empowers everyone to achieve their fullest potential.


Frequently Asked Questions
